If you do need to find your Office 365 tenant name, it’s pretty easy. Choose one of the following procedures.
Office 365 Admin Center, if you have global admin rights
- Log in to your Office 365 Admin Center as an administrator.
- Under Setup click on Domains (or just click here).
- Find a domain which ends with .onmicrosoft.com – this is your Office 365 tenant name.
OneDrive for Business Service
- Log in to your Office 365.
- Click on the OneDrive for Business app in the Office 365 app launcher (square in the top left corner of your screen).
- Your browser URL will look like this https://tenantname-my.sharepoint.com/personal/< your user name >/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx
- You can add .onmicrosoft.com to the tenantname above and it will be your full Office 365 tenant name.
SharePoint Online Service
- Log in to your Office 365.
- Click on the SharePoint Online app in the Office 365 app launcher (square in the top left corner of your screen).
- Your browser URL will look like this https://tenantname.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/sharepoint.aspx
- You can add .onmicrosoft.com to the tenantname above and it will be your full Office 365 tenant name.